Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hasbro RTS G2 Prime (Part 3: Robot Mode)

// Robot Mode:

// Head Shot:

The head of RTS G2 Prime is different from the old G2 Laser Prime. Personally I do not like this head, the chin is too pointed. Why can't Hasbro do a better job??? There are some rumors saying that 3rd party TF makers are going to release an alternate head, we shall see.

// Miscellaneous Shot:

// Double Trouble (Team work!):

In times of danger, G2 Laser Prime clone out of G2 Prime for more firepower!!!

The 2 generations of G2 Prime combine to take out the Deceptions. Together they form a formidable team.

The old G2 Laser Prime has more armory. Here he is using his Laser cannon. There is no such laser cannon pack in the RTS G2 Prime.

// Sparring Sword play:

// Size comparison:

Here we have all 3 sizes of G2 Prime. From the Left: G2 Laser Prime Voyager Class, RTS G2 Prime Deluxe Class and G2 Laser Prime.

**The rumors are true! There will be a 3rd party upgrade kit for G2 Prime. Massive improvement to the head. Comes with trailer. Nice. Hope it wouldn't cost a BOMB!**

Courtesy of Seibertron.com

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hasbro RTS G2 Prime (Part 2: Transformation)


// Truck Mode:

This week, we are going to take a look at the transformation of the G2 Prime; from Truck to Robot mode. On the card itself, it says level 3 transformation so we can expect at least close to 10 steps on this.

The transformation is not as direct as the old G2 laser Prime. Hasbro has done it again for this mold. Small but with a certain level of complexity for the fans who crave for new transformation steps then the old style transformation.

// Transformation:

// Step 1:

1st step is to fold down both the side doors

// Step 2:

2nd step is to fold up the oil tank to form the jet pack of G2 Prime.

// Step 3:

3rd step is to split the the rear of the truck to form the legs. In between the legs is the hidden secret item that I was referring to in Part 1. The fifth wheel coupling as can see is part of the hidden item: the 'untransformed' sword.

// Hidden item: the "un-transformed" Sword:

A closer look at how its hidden. If you have the old G2 Laser Prime, you will know that the sword is hidden and kept similarly. The only difference is that Hasbro had design the sword as part of the truck in fifth coupling rather than a stand alone piece.

// Step 5:

5th step is to detach the sword from the limbs. Once detached, we can transform it into the sword. Top: before transform; Bottom: after transform.

// Step 6:

6th step onwards are all about transforming the lower limbs of G2 Prime. For this step, the black flaps covering the wheels are folded backwards. This is to allow the wheel to be kept behind the legs later..

// Step 7:

7th step is to rotate the wheel upwards so that the wheels are aligned to the opening behind the legs. Once aligned, the wheels are pushed and kept into the openings.

// Step 8:

8th step is to form the feet. This is done simply by folding the blue feet down was well as the black support flap behind the feet. The back flap gives G2 Prime a more stable base so he can be posed differently without falling.

// Step 9:

9th step onwards are all about transforming the upper limbs of G2 Prime. For this step, the engine compartment is split to form the shoulders.

// Step 10:

10th step onwards is to form the head of G2 Prime which is hidden below the RTS Autobot logo.

// Step 11:

11th step is to fold the 2 ugly opaque orange flap into the body. This is to allow the chest area to be inserted later. From the look of where the flap goes, there seems to be no reason or this opaque flap. What is Hasbro thinking???

// Step 12:

12th step is to push the chest area down to meet the abdominal section.

// Step 13:

13th step which is also the last step is to fold the suppose cab door to back of the forearm.

// Transform Completed

Coming next in Robot mode...Stay tune!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hasbro RTS G2 Prime (Part 1: Truck Mode)

// G2 Prime in Package:

G2 Prime is release under "Reveal the shield" line. It is a remould of the old G2 Laser Prime in deluxe size rather than the usual voyager or leader class which we see most of the time for any other Optimus Prime.

// Truck Mode:

The Truck mode follows the old G2 Laser Prime which is the old 1999 Western Star 4964EX. It looks similar mold to the Movie Prime long nose truck which most people are familiar with. Something I notice is that there is no Autobot symbol on the side of the cab as seen on the back of the card. Cost saving measures?

The truck also follows the same color scheme as the G2 Prime with hood in black-red and a blue body. Hasbro has done a good job in adding the flame details at the front cab which looks more homage to Movie Prime than the Laser Prime which is not having these details.

The one thing about color is the orange opaque paint used for the side screen. It looks rather out of place. There must be some reason to this, we will look into this in robot mode.

There is a secret in this end of the truck. We will uncover this in robot mode.

// Reveal the Shield:

Press to reveal the shield, heat sensing pad?

// Size comparison:

Here I have 3 mold in comparison.
Left to right: G2 Laser Prime, RTS G2 Prime and Legends Laser Prime.

// Front:

Side by side, some significant difference between the 2 generations of G2 Laser Prime can be spotted. The old mold looks to be more squarish compared to the new mold which has some nice curvature. The old mold also have more details on the front cab compared to the new mold. This is quite a letdown; missing are the horns on the top cab, the gas chamber just below the side panels, details in cab internals and of cos the chromes.

// Back:

Hasbro seems to put in more effort in hiding the robot features for the new mold. The feet and the torso are well hidden compared to the old mold which has the feet protruding out which we will not find on the actual 1999 Western Star 4964EX. The smoke stacks for the new mold looks to be proportionate compared to the mold mold which looks to be cutoff for safety aspect.

// Side:

There is no significant difference at the side other than the colors. The only difference spotted will be the extra cover protection at the front of the set of rear wheels. I think it will look more complete if the cover will extend all the way to the last wheel. Now it looks rather incomplete.

// Truck with Trailer:

What is Optimus Prime without the trailer? Bring on G2 Laser Prime's trailer! I foresee there will be an upgrade kit in similar form as the protector for Rodimus from 3rd party. Awaiting for news....

The engagement begins.

The pin of the trailer fits nicely into the back end of the cab. I guess Hasbro had planned this all along.

The trailer looks in sync with G2 Prime.

Love the graphics on the trailer. The trailer looks good, it do not look too big.

Autobots! Transform and roll out!!!!!

Coming next is step by step 'Transformation"...Stay tune!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Transformers United...Wave 4

This is wave 4. Scourge is nice!

19. TF United UN-19 Wheeljack
20. TF United UN-20 Rumble & Frenzy
21. TF United UN-21 Decepticon Scourge
22. TF United UN-22 G2 Optimus Prime

19. TF United UN-19 Wheeljack

20. TF United UN-20 Rumble & Frenzy

21. TF United UN-21 Decepticon Scourge

22. TF United UN-22 G2 Optimus Prime

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Transformers United...Wave 3

This is wave 3, nothing excited. In fact, Hasbro seems better for this wave.

15. TF United 15 Perceptor
16. TF United 16 Blurr
17. TF United 17 Kup
18. TF United 18 Wreck Gar

15. TF United 15 Perceptor

16. TF United 16 Blurr

17. TF United 17 Kup

18. TF United 18 Wreck Gar

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