Sunday, December 1, 2013

Beast War 2 Galavatron (Part 2)

In last week's review, I had complete the 3 official modes of the Beast Wars 2 Galvatron. This week as promised will be sharing with you the other 4 unofficial modes that I had come up with.

Battle Tank mode:

I came up with this mode as I was playing around in his Drill machine mode. What I did is I transformed the back (his tail) and place them around the front portion to give him a more bulky look. I also fold the side armor (or wings) forward and up to make the outlook more devlish.

More pictures of him in Battle tank mode:

Dragon Stealth mode:

I named this mode the Dragon stealth mode because it is a crossover between the dragon and plane mode. This mode can be transformed from the previous tank mode by simply spilling the giant drill to reveal the dragon head and then turn the tank mode 360 degrees upside down. I also adjusted the gold shoulder plates to be in line with the wings and re-adjusted the separated tail to make them look like thrusters. 

More pictures of him in Dragon stealth mode:

Bee mode:

I got inspired to do this mode when I see how much the chest plate of Galvatron resembles the face of a bee. Added with the giant drill that looks like the bee sting, I decided to try and assemble this mode.

The result looks impressive especially from the side having a bee on top holding the laser turrets at the bottom.

More pictures of him in Bee mode:

Jet mode:

This mode is a combination between the Drill machine and the Tank mode. You can achieve this mode from the Drill mode. What you need to do is to flip and angle the laser turrets then rotate the wings forward and then re-adjust the black crawl on the tail upright to make them look like tail wings.

More pictures of him in Jet mode:


The length of this review of Beast Wars 2 Galvatron speaks for itself. This is by far the longest review with the most number of pictures captures. This Galvatron in my opinion is the most underrated toy in the transformers series. The reason for this might be the color and outlook of his robot form that stops people to have a closer look. Once you have it in your hands, it is only the limits of your imagination that dictates how much fun you will have.

The complete 7 modes of Galvatron. Even better than Sixshot!

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