Superlink / Energon Tow-line (Part 2)
This week continue with Tow-line in his robot mode
Robot mode
Tow-line in his robot mode looks as simple and clean as his alternate mode. The
more I see the figure, the more I can see traces of G1 Ratchet and
Ironhide. This is especially so with the huge front cab that made up his
upper body.
A further search in the internet found repaints of him as Ratchet and Ironhide. Sad to say, they are botcon exclusives which I will never be able to get my hands on. Given that these 2 figures play such a great homage to the G1 counterparts, I seriously question Hasbro's marketing strategy for not mass producing them.
Taking a look at the back of Tow-line, you wonder if there is a serious lack of emphasis to make him look 'proper'. You can clearly see the lack of 'meat' and many areas are quite bare to the 'bones'.
A look of Tow-line from the front and back. Notice the number of ball joints along his upper limbs. We will analysis how well his overall articulation are in the later section.
Tow-line's head design in my opinion is one of the most decent looking head ever design by Hasbro.
Tow-line upper body seems a little out of proportion. His body and arms are a little short especially his chest which looks to be directly connected to his waist missing the abdominal.
The leg design looks to be where most flaws are gathered at first glance. Firstly, they are molded in very thin plastics making them very lightweight. I'm guessing this might be partly due to his transformation but surely this can be better deal with. Secondly, the details are very poorly molded which feels very KO. Lastly, the knee joint is a single DOF joint which will surely reduce the pose-ability of this figure.
Nevertheless, I am glad that the figure stands well on his own partly due to the extended heels that are designed to compensate and improve overall balance.
The robot mode of Tow-line in terms of playability is considered poor despite the many ball joints on his upper body. This is due to the obstruction of this shoulder plates that hinder his angle of rotation.
Preparing for battle!
Tow-line executing the flying kick!
Tow-line with his weapon. Looks more like a mind sweeping device than rifle to me.
A closer look.
The Repair Platform
The other part spitted from Tow-line's alternate mode transforms into a repair platform. The elevated platform gets its elevation from the four legs that rotates out from the bottom of the Van. The front legs are trackers while the back are wheels from his alternate mode.
Notice the greenish grey near the front are link pags meaning that the platform can be powerlinx to figures that can be powerlinx.
This is how it looks when Tow-line Powerlinx to his repair platform. Its looks rather stupid in my opinion.
Tow-line's weapon can be attached to the top of his repair platform to turn into a attack station. Seems like there are more attach ports available that allows weapons to mount on.
Tow-line taking control of his attack station.
I adored Towline for his simplicity in the robot mode. The transformation and design of this figure came real close to the G1 Ratchet and Ironhide. Till now, I am still very amused as to why Hasbro made the repaints exclusive where they could have reach out to a wider market.
Hotshot on the repair platform.
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